Coyote Fuggly
So I was out walking the dog last night at about 1:30am. Little Kimber was pulling on her leash and I was doing the proper training in making her stop and not have any further progress. I am constantly saying “no, sit” and her collar is jingling so we must be making a good amount of noise for anything with 4 legs to hear. I tend to try to be quiet so the neighbors don’t call the police. Anyways we are a block from our place and the dog starts “boofing” at the same mailbox she always boof’s at (it does sound like boof). All of a sudden she turns around and boofs again. I look over my shoulder and see something move across the street, turn towards us and start walking along the fence. First thought was “someone’s dog is out”, that was until it was out of the shadows. It was the largest, and healthiest coyote I have ever seen and it was heading towards me and my 5 month old puppy and only had 15 yards to go. I quickly grabbed the collar of the dog, who was still boofing, and made a growling/roaring sound (I was trying not to wake anyone up). The coyote stopped in his tracks and looked up and had that “oh shit” look on his face. Now I was extra worried when he didn’t bolt from seeing me like he was considering my pup to be a possible meal. I stomped and growled again and he took off in to a yard. I was about to start yelling and throw my half full mirror pond bottle at it but thankfully it didn’t come to that. I headed off the other direction keeping an eye out in case he followed.
One thing meeting a coyote on a dark deserted street @ 1:30am will do is wake you up like you just mainlined 3 pots of coffee with a pinch of crack. What also sucks is my dog got so scared by either the coyote or me growling that she peed on the street and she never does that. I need to start bringing a club or other weapon on late night walks from now on.
Officer “You with the bat! What are you doing?!?!?”
Me “Um walking my dog?”
Officer “Drop the weapon or I will tase you!!”
Me “Oh, this? This is for the coyotes..."
Officer “Do not move or you will get it again!!!!”