Tuesday, September 13, 2005

4 years later.

The Wife and I watched that movie on the discovery channel: The Flight that Fought Back on 9/11. If you didn’t see it, find out when it's playing again and give it a chance. Both of us had watery eyes for much of the show. That’s right, I'm admitting to tearing up big deal. Anyways, they have actual cell phone call recordings from passengers that they interweave into the story. They also have messages that passengers left their loved ones. It was pretty powerful and was an interesting look at how a group of strangers banded together in order to save hundreds to thousands more with their collective bravery.


At 7:05 PM, September 13, 2005, Blogger Turd Ferguson said...

That was a good show. I am glad they got to at least beat the shit out of/kill one of those fuckers and in a sense go out in a blaze of glory/heat of battle, full of adrenaline and hopefulness instead of fear.


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