Monday, June 19, 2006

Which one?

The wife and I went downtown last Saturday for the farmers market. Parking was shitty so I dropping her off so she could take care of an errand. I ended up parking 20 blocks away so I gave her a call.

L – “Did you get your stuff done?”

W- “Yeah”

L – “Where are you?”

W – “I’m by Starbucks”

L –“……..ok, that really doesn’t help me at all.”

Because you need it.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Are you Home Depot material?

Why is it that every time I go to Home Depot it takes 20 minutes to get help? I swear I know more about that store than 90% of the associates that are there to ‘help’ you find something. I went there on a work errand and it took the guy 20 minutes to find where the back stock for the items was on the computer and another 5 to stare at the 20 boxes on the shelf which happened to be directly above the items in question. It then took 10 more minutes to retrieve a rolling ladder type device to get them down. I thought they were supposed to have helpful and knowledgeable sales people to help out with all your home improvement needs? Don’t they look for that sort of experience during the interview process? I would think that there would at least be a training program. I just wanted to buy 20 f@ucking paint scrapers and I was instead privy 35 minutes of lackluster customer service, severe career ineptitude and a strong desire to inflict bodily harm.

And what the hell is wrong with those two? That girl looks nervous as if she has a secret crush on Ivan over there in all his steely eastern block glory. He looks like he just considered doing the deed and is still reeling from the mental picture.

What's funny is that I hadn’t looked at his name tag, sorry permanent marker on apron, and his name is in fact Ivan. Click the picture, check it out.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Because the Girls don't have blogs

Lessons from the Bachelorette party.

The girls can too party like the boys
Hanging with 9 other hot girls EQUALS free booze, short lines and your own bathroom stall.
Showing your cleavage to the bellhop does not get you VIP passes to a club.
When the car salesman of a waiter offers you a shot, its probably costs $12.
Two bachelorettes at the same party can be perceived to as lesbian wedding.
Though they looked like nuns they sure didn't act like nuns..
Even partying in two different towns you can still argue with your EX-boyfriend on the phone and then be confused the next day if you were arguing of just flirting heavily.
When Murph says the show starts at 8:00, she means 7:30.
Eating breakfast at 5am does not help the hangover, if it gives you food poisoning.
It's a bad idea to try to prove to someone your strongman ability of carrying someone while drunk and in heals.
It's a bad idea to trust someone to prove their strongman ability by letting them carry you while drunk and in heals.
Taking pictures with people sleeping at the slot machines is good 4am fun.
Limos Rock
For some reason mustard packets randomly fall out of Brit.
