The wife asked me last night if the blog was dead. I was taken aback by this comment because I didn’t think that it had really progressed further than the amphibian crawling onto shore and gasping its first painful breaths.
There are also some content issues, the one big one being the fact that my mother reads this blog. It sort of keeps me in check otherwise I would be typing the F word as much as I say it when I am drinking. Those of you that have seen me at my finest can attest to the 25 word run on sentences consisting of the F and a few coordinating conjunctions. It also challenges me to think of things to say that don’t follow my usual line of thinking/comedy. (see filthy, depraved, dark and impending and inevitable doom)
I am also lacking in the adventure department as of late due to the home bound post-operation puppy. Who seems to be doing well and had her first, Dr. prescribed, 5 minute walk in 7 weeks today. I doubt that stories regaling my epic pruning adventures will grab the reader’s ear and leave them waiting for the post on Yard Debris disposal theory: a strategic guide to maximize your removal dollar . I actually might still post that.
Another thing I am trying to avoid is too many posts about people I work with. This is hard because that mine has rich veins. I will however update everyone on the SAW situation. She is fucking gone!!!! Her last day was Thursday and a lot of people were happy. I made sure to crank up the internet radio on the headphones for the last 1 ½ hours before her departure time to avoid talking to her. I was amazed at the amount of work I got done by trying to look busy and unable to talk. I guess that is what I’m actually supposed to be doing. Huh? Who knew?
Last but not least, I was surprised there wasn’t more discussion about the breast pump post. What is with you people?