Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Movie Reviews

Lacking cable the wife and I tend to watch a fair share of movies. Here are some of the few we have seen along with reviews. I figured I should have some catchy rating system ( thumbs, stars) but I am going with the 1-10 system. 10 being the Godfather and Pulp Fiction, 1 being Patch Adams and Muriel’s Wedding.

Date Movie – first I would like to say that the only reason we went to this so called movie was because what we were going to see was sold out. We wanted a night out and thought it would be mildly entertaining, well it wasn’t. This movie isn’t even worth watching or even becoming a coaster in a musty dorm room. It was most certainly not a comedy as it lacked anything funny short of the fact that I paid actual American dollars to see it. It was supposed to be satirical and poke fun at past romantic comedies but instead it recreated similar situations sans jokes. Avoid renting this, or getting someone to burn you a copy, or watching it for free on TV. It sucked ass. I give it a score of -10.

The Island – Our friend Leather loaned this to us and I was rather surprised. I had heard negative things about it and didn’t expect much. It wasn’t a 4 star movie by any means but it had enough story and enough action to keep me interested for 2 hours. Worth the rental if you have limited choices. Score 6.5.

Domino – This movie was nothing more than an over stylized movie that has Natalie Portman trying to sound badass with a British accent and crystal meth inspired twitchy camera shots. I wanted to bang my head against the floor every time the voice over ah la Portman would repeat a line. “My name is Domino Harvey. My name is Domino Harvey” I heard you the first f-ing time. It was annoying to the point that it made me hate the movie. Even the lap dance performed for the Hispanic gang member leader guy in an effort to diffuse a “Mexican standoff” was retarded and made no sense what so ever. Don’t bother renting this but maybe good to catch small bits while channel surfing. Score 2.


At 4:36 PM, March 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Load, that's not Natalie Portman in Domino - it's Keira Knightley. Who sucks at life, much less acting. Sorry you had to sit through that crap. You should talk to PETE about it; he liked it.

At 4:45 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger Load said...

Thrillhouse - Shit you're right. It was still annoying. Maybe all the dirt and heavy makeup blurred my vision, and the Beam probably helped.

At 11:33 PM, March 07, 2006, Blogger Turd Ferguson said...

Wow. Maybe you should stop watching such crappy movies. You are wasting time and money. If you read the reviews, talk to people, or in certain cases (see: Date Movie) you can pretty much tell by the trailer if a movie is going to suck (see: trailer music featuring Takin Care of Business by BTO). Now, you can say you don't have cable blah blah but that is only a limited excuse. Try reading a book. Pick up a hobby. Jerk off. Something. But stop watching crappy movies you should know are crappy and expecting sympathy. That's right Load, you stole the Lindbergh baby.

At 11:27 AM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot that we also saw. "Fun with Dick and Jane" Okay I actually liked this one. It was slapstick comedy, but it at least gave its audience some credit for their intelligence.

I did find it somewhat entertaining compared to the other movies we saw, it was an 7.5.

Of course had I scene it next to crash or BBM my overall score may have been lower.

At 4:11 PM, March 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, seriously, i gotta go with nate on this one. i'm all for giving every movie a chance, but you should still do some research beforehand...try asking me. my roommate single handedly keeps NetFlicks in the black.


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