How the years drift by
Halloween is one of my favorite days of the year. Over the years the reasons have changed but the excitement and anticipation that used to proceed Halloween and come to an inebriated head bursting in a giant spray of intoxication, hilarity, and blue/red lights flashing, didn’t really happen this year. When I was a kid it was all about dressing up pretending to be a vampire and scoring candy. One year we got to hit SW and NE Portland, which was a record haul. As a legal adult (18+) Halloween meant one thing: a big party(ies). My record was 7 years ago when we hit 7 parties before 3am. It was epic.
Now I am not saying that I didn’t have fun with what I did this year, just understand that I have high expectations. Since I am not a religious guy and I’m not a huge sports fan, Halloween serves as my one day a year to get crazy. It usually works out for me because everyone else is acting crazy so I don’t look like too much of a jackass. Plus, like New Years Eve, people tend to be in high spirits because they are geared up for a good time.
Basically this Halloween made me feel old.