Here are some movie reviews for all of you and to be less boring than usual I’ll keep them short and sweet.
Doom – As a fan of the video game I was sort of obligated to see this movie, it is exactly what you would expect. Some space marines go to mars and they shoot some big f-ing monster/demon things. Don't bother watching this it would be better to wait until you are flipping channels and watch a couple of minutes of it. I guess it was better than infomercials.
Silent Hill - Alien and I went to this movie because the girls were out of town. We went despite knowing it would probably suck but it was our risk to take. As Alien put it “I don’t know if it will be any good but Jules would never go to a movie like that.” I think that freedom to make a dumb decision blurred our judgment and the slim hope it wouldn’t suck seemed brighter that it should have. How bad was it? I’ll put it this way; people were laughing and talking during the entire movie and no one cared.
Hostel – This was a so, so fick. Basically a simple story about some guys backpacking in Europe. They get a lead on this youth hostel that is some sort of freaky sex club. They end up hanging out with these hottttt foreign chicks who end up drugging them and selling them to some bad dudes. The bad dudes run a place where you can kill a human for a nominal fee. Pretty messed up torture scenes but not as bad as I anticipated.