Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!"

We took the nephew down to the farmers market last weekend to meet up with J&A. I came across a cool booth run by a company called March Biological that sold natural solutions to pest control. I decided to add to my arsenal in my war against my yard so I made two key purchases: a Preying Mantis egg sack and some Nematodes.

Preying Mantis are pretty badass as many of you know so I won’t bore you with the details. Though I will provide you with a link to a video displaying the power of these magnificent inscects: preying mantis vs. a mouse (link goes directly to video). What is cool is that there are 100-200 in each egg sack!

The Nematodes on the other hand are quite interesting. From the March Biological Website:

Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic and live below the soil surface and like a moist environment. Looking like short non-segmented worms these voracious predators make their way through your lawn and garden looking for food. Nematodes do not harm worms, birds, plants or the environment, in fact they are part of the environment and are found the world over.
When the nematode comes in contact with a pest the attack by entering through body openings or simply by boring through the body wall, once inside the Nematode will release a bacteria that kills it's host within 48 hours. They will feed and reproduce before exiting in search of fresh prey.

That sounds like a shitty way to die but its my yard and I pay the taxes.


At 1:47 PM, April 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate the words "egg sack"
I also hate the word "yolk"
I also hate "Load"

At 3:58 PM, April 11, 2006, Blogger Load said...

nice to see you britt.

still mad about the coffee table book?

At 10:52 AM, April 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will beat you with a coffee table book...and besides it'd be more like a pamphlet


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