The wife and I decided to take the new dog for a walk this weekend. We live near a very large cemetery which happens to be a great place to take your dog off leash especially for training. There aren't a lot of 7-9pm burials or mourners so there isn't much to worry about. The walk went well until 9:50pm rolled around. This is the time where the puppy gets restless. Basically she throws a tantrum like a human baby does when they are extremely tired.
So, she is freaking out: jumping, pulling at the leash, ect. I decide to pick her up and she thrashes back-and-forth with her mouth wide open and one of her razor sharp teeth hit the bridge of my nose hard. It was dark out so I put the dog down and wiped what I believed (hoped) to be sweat (hot day) off my nose. I discovered that I was bleeding pretty good.
Load -"honey I'm bleeding"
shines flashlight on face.
Wife -"its not that bad"
Load thinking to himself -
I have blood all over my hand and I can feel it dripping two big drops off my nose a second!Load- "its on my face"
I was really worried about my face and with good reason. It isn't because I am a super model or any part of my career stems from my appearance. It is the opposite; but I don't need any more scars to make me look more fucked up. I'm no Brad Pit but I sure don't want to be the next Edward James Olmos. But this new 2" scar that runs the length of my nose isn't what I needed to jumpstart my career.
We were 20 minutes from home and I bled the entire time. It was good that I had a prescription for antibiotics on hand because it wanted to get infected bad and was doing so the next morning.
I will get pictures up after the weekend so you can bare witness to the horror that is my disfigured face (I mean after the dog bit it dipshit).
Anyways, does anyone have a recipe for dog soup? I would like to get a batch or two out of her before she becomes too tough.