Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Art Terrorism: Say it With Flowers
So this person(s) named Banksy is pretty impressive. He has transcended from being a mere graffiti writer that normal people think of as vandals and hooligans. This guy really has some great social commentary that comes though in his work. What really impresses me is what the media referred to as 'art terrorism'. He has hung his own works of art in The British Museum, The Brooklyn Museum, The American Museum of Natural History, The Museum of Modern Art in NY, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Most stay on the walls for a couple of days and are promptly removed when the curators realize that they can't actually tell what should be considered high art. The last one he actually announced a treasure hunt and offered a prize to who ever found it. Here are some examples of his work he has 'donated':

Also check out his Manifesto its is quite chilling in its own right. It's "
An extract from the diary of Lieutenant Colonel Mervin Willett Gonin DSO who was among the first British soldiers to liberate Bergen-Belsen in 1945."

You can find more examples of his work here as well:


At 11:21 AM, August 07, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bansky strikes again, this time in, of all places, Israel:
"Art prankster sprays Israeli wall"
Favorite part: Banksy's spokeswoman Jo Brooks said: "The Israeli security forces did shoot in the air threateningly and there were quite a few guns pointed at him."


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