Thursday, June 01, 2006

Because the Girls don't have blogs

Lessons from the Bachelorette party.

The girls can too party like the boys
Hanging with 9 other hot girls EQUALS free booze, short lines and your own bathroom stall.
Showing your cleavage to the bellhop does not get you VIP passes to a club.
When the car salesman of a waiter offers you a shot, its probably costs $12.
Two bachelorettes at the same party can be perceived to as lesbian wedding.
Though they looked like nuns they sure didn't act like nuns..
Even partying in two different towns you can still argue with your EX-boyfriend on the phone and then be confused the next day if you were arguing of just flirting heavily.
When Murph says the show starts at 8:00, she means 7:30.
Eating breakfast at 5am does not help the hangover, if it gives you food poisoning.
It's a bad idea to try to prove to someone your strongman ability of carrying someone while drunk and in heals.
It's a bad idea to trust someone to prove their strongman ability by letting them carry you while drunk and in heals.
Taking pictures with people sleeping at the slot machines is good 4am fun.
Limos Rock
For some reason mustard packets randomly fall out of Brit.


At 11:09 AM, June 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If "The girls can too party like the boys", then riddle me this: why were you all asleep and bitching that we woke you up every time we called?

At 1:52 PM, June 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well call it "sleeping" if you want. Mostly we thought all the boys we were shacking with would be annoyed by the incessant calling.

I think you better add something about waking up with a Murphy on top of you. Man how I wish I had a picture of that and not just the memories. Sweet sweet lesbian memories. Speaking of...I thought the trip seemed fairly les'd out on everyones parts, but as my friend Jesse pointed out last night its mostly me kissing girls, grabbing boobs, dishing out lapdances, and nustling around in Courts rack. Hmmmm.

At 3:04 PM, June 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the Zoomanity, I swear.


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