Thursday, June 08, 2006

Are you Home Depot material?

Why is it that every time I go to Home Depot it takes 20 minutes to get help? I swear I know more about that store than 90% of the associates that are there to ‘help’ you find something. I went there on a work errand and it took the guy 20 minutes to find where the back stock for the items was on the computer and another 5 to stare at the 20 boxes on the shelf which happened to be directly above the items in question. It then took 10 more minutes to retrieve a rolling ladder type device to get them down. I thought they were supposed to have helpful and knowledgeable sales people to help out with all your home improvement needs? Don’t they look for that sort of experience during the interview process? I would think that there would at least be a training program. I just wanted to buy 20 f@ucking paint scrapers and I was instead privy 35 minutes of lackluster customer service, severe career ineptitude and a strong desire to inflict bodily harm.

And what the hell is wrong with those two? That girl looks nervous as if she has a secret crush on Ivan over there in all his steely eastern block glory. He looks like he just considered doing the deed and is still reeling from the mental picture.

What's funny is that I hadn’t looked at his name tag, sorry permanent marker on apron, and his name is in fact Ivan. Click the picture, check it out.


At 1:24 PM, June 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things...
1) I am in fact NOT Home Depot material. Its the ONLY place I have ever interviewed for a job and not received an offer(in ALBANY, mind you!) Just reading this posts title gets me all fired up again...
2) Maybe next time send in the wife and those knockers of hers...I usually don't get one foot in the door without an orange apron immediately aiding in my quest for the towel bars.

At 6:24 PM, June 13, 2006, Blogger Load said...

Britt! My number 1 fan!

At 12:25 AM, June 16, 2006, Blogger Cali Thais said...

The two in the picture look like customers who were given aprons as a joke. Maybe there are imposters now working at Home Depot.


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