Here's another video with 4 bubble gum pop Japanese girls with a fat, cape wearing dude in a gold speedo bouncing in the background.
Please don't let those robots eat me.
A few weeks ago I took some time off to head 300+ miles away into the SE desert of Oregon to do some charitable work. I was volunteering my time to a local rancher there, Herb, that is an acquaintance of my step dad Buckles. It seems that the practice of farming alfalfa, oats, etc provides a huge surplus of food for the native sage rat population (similar to prairie dogs). Which in turn alters what would be the natural population to surge and become so large that the native predators can’t keep the sage rats in check.
I was looking up some song lyrics on goggle this morning and as expected with any search some XXX links were in the top 10. I found the short description below this link amusing.
Shut the f@ck up! Jesus Goddamned Christ!!! I am about to freaking go off on my counterpart at work. Basically I am in the middle of something. He wants to make a little small talk, which is fine. The problem is he will have me look at an interesting picture or some news article and make a mundane comment on it. I pleasantly acknowledge what is said and then turn my attention back to what I was doing before. After about 4-5 seconds, just enough time to be re-immersed in what I am doing he has another sentence to add. Again I acknowledge him and attempt to get back to what I was doing. This interruption cycle repeats for 5-10 minutes sometimes. It drives me up the freakin’ wall! He also does this with stories as if his mouth is 5-10 seconds behind his brain. It isn’t the occasional brain fart but a rather annoying way of taking up someone else’s time. It is like listing to the kid Stevie with the asthma on Malcolm in the Middle.