Thursday, February 23, 2006


Dear Office Lady who just had a kid,

Please stop washing out your breast pumping accessories in the break room sink. Wash them out in the bathroom sink. Unless of course you are performing your harvesting at your desk, which only makes me more grossed out that I already am thinking that there are bodily fluids being dumped freely into a community sink. What if I was washing out some container I had my blood in? See, pretty disgusting when you think about it. I know it is the miracle of life or whatever and “what about when you have kids” bullshit but, it is some stranger who could be carrying hepatitis, Ebola, or avian flu. I’m no germ phoebe I just have a healthy fear of the ones that kill you painful and fast.

Sincerely ,



At 3:01 PM, March 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Load, what you need to do is start standing behind her as she washes her breast pump out, holding a penis pump and saying nothing. If she mentions it, explain that "it just won't fit under the nozzle in the bathroom sink but it REALLY needs a good wash right now."

And just wait until the little shit machine starts talking or waling, or something. Then you're gonna have to hear everything about every time it goes tinkle on the carpet ("It's so CUTE when they tinkle!") or shits itself on a Tuesday.

What the fuck is it with parents of small children and talking to other adults like they're infants? I don't give a fuck if you call it "tinkle" when you talk to your child; we're not children in this office. I'm an adult and I don't tinkle, your lactating simp - I piss.

At 3:02 PM, March 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*talking or walking. And of course I'm referring to the little thing she feeds with whatever she pumps out of her breasts.

At 11:17 AM, March 02, 2006, Blogger Load said...

Thrillhouse - I don't own a penis pump. Who told you about that? I don't keep it in my desk drawer. really.

At 5:42 PM, March 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, it totally makes sense that mom would want to pass the Ebola virus on to her baby through her breast milk, so you're completely justified in your paranoia, Load.

Speaking of infectious things, I'm now going to post on your blog AND Turd's blog. Lucky you.

At 8:54 PM, March 20, 2006, Blogger Load said...

Jen - Can you give me the name of that specialist? I’m starting to show signs of infection.


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