Monday, January 09, 2006

I should have thought of this...

Dead animals raise a stink in State College

STATE COLLEGE -- Police over the weekend responded to two separate calls involving roadkill.
In the first incident, individuals reported that a dead deer dressed in a man's dress shirt and tie, was found along the 200 block of North Atherton Street on Sunday.
It was unknown how the deer got to the area. There were no reports of any vehicles striking an animal in that area.

I find this really amusing. I think next time I go hunting I’m going to do this and get pictures, for posterity of course.

It does remind me of the time when I was a sophomore in high school. Hallboy, this kid Greg, and I were going downtown to hang out at the arcade and seedy coffee houses. We missed the bus and we started walking down Barbur Bulvd. Those of you that know Barbur runs on the side of a heavily wooded hill. Back then it would be difficult to walk on a major road in SW without seeing a dead opossum and that was especially true of this stretch. Chris got the bright idea to prop up their stiff bodies to look like a family of them walking across the street. It turned into a sort of weird social experiment. Some cars would carefully avoid them while others would swerve to inflict maximum damage. Now all I need is an extra dress shirt, a dear carcass and a Christmas tie.


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