Monday, December 11, 2006

Can you hear me?

My cell phone speaker blew up this weekend so off to the Verizon store I went. Cell phone stores are a weird place. If one shows ignorance the sales people put on a little show using all the fancy tech lingo and charm they can muster to sign you up. The second you show the slightest bit of knowledge they shift gears. Example: I told them I needed a new phone and my only concern was good reception. I didn’t care about having a camera or even a color screen. The kept pointing me to this piece of crap . For which I had read horrible reviews about. Once I told them I was not interested in that phone and asked about another that I had seen good reviews for the salesperson turned off the charm and took on and indifferent attitude. This happened with 4 different sales people at 2 different stores. I think they were trying to dump the remaining stock and/or were getting special commissions for selling the crap phone explaining the hard push for it.

Then there was this exchange on Sunday:

L- “My Speaker is broken, etc blah blah blah.”

Verizon Lady “What’s your phone #”

L - “###-####”

VL - “How long have you had that number?” (not looking up from screen)

L – “3 or 4 years.”

VL “That was my first cell phone #.” (still not looking up)

L – “Actually I’m stalking you.”

VL - “____________” (still not looking up from screen)

Nothing! Not even an eye roll or disapproving head shake! ACK! Zombies!


At 2:35 PM, December 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:44 PM, December 11, 2006, Blogger Load said...

no names. reposted from the wife:

The Wife said...
Speaking of Zombies, about 5am this morning, Load told me to pull my feet up from the end of the bed or the dead people could get them.

At 3:45 PM, December 11, 2006, Blogger Load said...

Sorry but it's true.

At 2:00 PM, December 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always secretly think that, too. Definitely no limbs hanging out of the bed. Is that a picture of you protesting at the Verizon store? You really aged over the holidays.

At 9:35 AM, December 29, 2006, Blogger Load said...

No, that's Turd.

I also lock my car doors when I leave work on a foggy night just in case...


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